
English Houseに来た外国人の自己紹介を見てみよう

[word_balloon id=”2″ size=”M” position=”L” name_position=”under_avatar” radius=”true” balloon=”talk” balloon_shadow=”true” font_color=”#222222″]英語での自己紹介ってなかなか慣れないなあ。学校で習った決まりきった表現を使いまわして何とか自己紹介してるけど、もっとこなれた表現ができないもんかな。英語ネイティブの人はどんなふうに自己紹介するんだろう。[/word_balloon]




イギリス人 Poppyさん(20代半ば 女性)の自己紹介

Hi! My name is Poppy and I am from Kent, England. I work as a teaching assistant back home, but decided to spend the Easter holidays in Japan. This is the first time that I have travelled outside of Europe, but Japan has always been at the top of my “to visit” list!

どうも! 私の名前はポピーです。イギリスのケントから来ました。普段はアシスタント講師として働いていますが 、今年のイースターの休暇は日本で過ごすことに決めました。 ヨーロッパ以外を旅するのはこれが初めてですが、日本は常に僕の「行く場所」リストのトップです。

Staying in Hirakata has allowed me to experience everyday life in Japan, and is a good location to visit both the bright lights of Osaka and the beautiful temples of Kyoto. The food is great, too!

枚方では日本での日常生活を体験することができ、またロケーションとしてもキラキラした大阪にも、美しいお寺がある京都にも行けてとても良いと思います。 食べ物も最高ですね!

Everyone here is warm and friendly and I look forward to meeting more people!


アメリカ人 Saraさん(20代後半 女性)の自己紹介

Hello everyone!


My name is Sara and I just arrived today at Osaka English House. I am an American from Seattle. I recently finished graduate school, quit my job and have been traveling away from home for the past six months around Asia and Eastern Europe. I came to Osaka English House to meet new people and learn more about Japanese culture.

私の名前はサラです。今日大阪イングリッシュハウスに着いたばかりです。 シアトルから来たアメリカ人です。最近大学院を卒業し、 仕事をやめ家を離れて、この6か月間アジアや東ヨーロッパを旅してきました。大阪イングリッシュハウスへは、出会いのためと日本の文化を学ぶために来ました。

I arrived in Japan two weeks ago. I have already visited Tokyo, Fukushima, Hiroshima and Kyoto. This is my first time in Japan and I am having a great time! I’ve had such great food here (especially ramen, sushi, gyoza, okonomiyaki, tempura and udon…yum!).

日本へ到着したのは2週間前で、これまで東京と福島、 広島、京都に行きました。日本に来たのはこれが初めてですが、とても楽しんでいます!食べ物がほんとに素晴らしい!(特にラーメンや寿司、餃子、お好み焼き、天ぷら、うどん… おいしい! )

Besides the amazing food, Japan has such a lovely atmosphere and such awesome people. I am so grateful to travel in such an interesting and gorgeous (…and tasty) country. I feel that I have learned so much since I got to Japan and I will learn even more here at Osaka English House.


Today Arata showed me around and I met some of the residents and teacher assistants. It was so nice to unpack for a bit after traveling for so long.


I later went with the other teacher assistants to a very beautiful temple. It looks like there are many lovely plum trees blooming in the neighborhood. It is great to see them – they are quite pretty. Maybe I will be lucky and see Sakura blooms as well! I later sat down with some of the residents for a very lovely dinner with some great conversation.


Osaka English House already feels quite like home. I am really looking forward to chatting and learning from everyone here. What a great first day to start my time here!


オランダ人 Aafkeさん(30代前半 女性)の自己紹介

Hello, my name is Aafke. I’m from the Netherlands and I’m travelling in Japan for 6 weeks. I arrived last tuesday to be an assistent teacher here in Osaka English House.


I’ve been here for a couple of days now and I really like it! There is a nice mix of Japanese students and international travellers staying here and we have a lot of fun together!Every day I have conversations in English with Japanese students and in the evenings we like to sit together to watch movies or just talk.


I also got to know Hirakata a little by going to the shops and restaurants and by walking around. I walked to Yamadaike park, which was quite far, but it was worthwhile!


I’m looking forward to next week, but first we are celebrating weekend!


オーストラリア人 Jessさん(20代半ば 男性)の自己紹介

G’day mates! I’m Jess, one of the new assistant teachers at the Osaka English House

やあみなさん! 私はジェス、大阪イングリッシュハウスの新しいアシスタント先生の一人です。

I’ve ran away from the brutal Australian summer to experience the beauty of Japan’s winter, scenery and, of course, eat all the amazing food


I feel very lucky having the opportunity to meet the lovely people of OEH and am excited to learn more about this gorgeous country – So come and give us a visit! I’m keen to learn more Japanese, let’s exchange some language lessons!


イタリア人 Andreaさん(20代後半 男性)の自己紹介

Hi everyone, my name is Andrea, but you call me Andy.

みなさんこんにちは。私の名前はアンドレアです。 アンディと呼んで下さい。

I’m a new volunteer at the Osaka english house, I’m really excited to be here and being able to share a chapter of my life with you all.


All the way from Italy to Osaka. Why?
Well.. I love food, and what’s a better place than Osaka? It’s a food haven with restaurants and street food vendors all over town! Just amazing!!

そうですね.. 私は食べることが好きですが、 大阪より良い場所なんてないでしょう? 街中にレストランや屋台がある食べ物の天国ですよ! 素晴らしい!!

I met most of the students here in oeh, and they all are super nice! Can’t wait to get to know them better!!

すでにOEHのほとんどの生徒に会いましたが、みんな本当にいいひとです! 仲良くなるのが待ちきれません!



  1. 【大晦日を英語で説明】年越しで使える英会話!外国人に紹介しよう

  2. 英語で誕生日メッセージ! 伝わる定番英語フレーズ

  3. 【英語でチャット】外国人と半年間ほぼ毎日やりとりした結果は?

  4. えっとって英語でなんて言うの?外国人が本当に使うつなぎ言葉とは?

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